VMware is doing some cool stuff with AR/VR and Alan MAY or may not have shared some details
This week, Nathan, Richard, and Vince chatted with Alan Renouf on the topic of AR/VR. (the tech and its use)
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IT Pro. HoustonVMUG Leader. 2x vExpert. Sober since April 2021. Dog dad to Penny the Corgi. Harley Rider.
View episodesWorker, Gamer, Husband, Friend. Living in a multi-cloud world. AWS-SAA, CKA, VCP-CMA. #TweetsAreMyOwn #vExpert**
IT for 20+ years. NetApp & VMware Engineer. Strong public speaking & end-user training skillsets w/Master of Education. Leader of the BuffaloVMUG & a VMware vExpert x4. Husband, Father, Friendly Geek.
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