EUC, Demotivation Challenges, and oh yeah, Welcome Matt Heldstab!

Episode 67: EUC, Demotivation Challenges, and oh yeah, Welcome Matt Heldstab!

Show notes

This week we are extremely happy to welcome Matt Heldstab to the podcast to discuss EUC, Surviving the demotivation of Covid, and Practices to help.

Topics discussed:

  1. EUC
  2. Demotivation
  3. Motivation
  4. Exercise
  5. Engagement


Nathan Bennett

Nathan Bennett

Worker, Gamer, Husband, Friend. Living in a multi-cloud world. AWS-SAA, CKA, VCP-CMA. #TweetsAreMyOwn #vExpert**


Matt Heldstab

Matt Heldstab

Higher Ed Lead Virt Infra Eng | VMware vExpert x7/EUC Champ x6/vExpert EUC x2 | VMUG BofD | Lead @mnvmug | Netscaler | Musician | StatGeek | #GolfNut | #GoBulls

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